Need to improve your language skills? Game on! | MrClass

It should come as no surprise that, out of the many options for learning foreign languages, game apps are the most exciting of all! Game apps break up the conventional learning methods while still keeping the learning train on their tracks.
So, give these three fun game apps a try and improve your language skills.

The best foreign language learning academy in Bhubaneswar 


12,000 words organized into 300 topics.
Audio along with written words to ensure that both your spellings and pronunciation are on point.

Variety of games, tests, quizzes and flashcards encourage you to learn words and perfect your language skills.

Lingio offers English, Spanish, French, German, Swedish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic and Farsi/Persian.

With three difficulty levels, Lingio is appropriate for any level of language learner, plus it’s free to download!


Various Lango apps for different languages.

Photo-based games where you are shown a selection of photos along with a word in your target language and all you have to do is select the image that corresponds to that word. Simple!

Allows you to immerse yourself in your target language without having to depend on your native language for reference.

Lango offers English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Czech, Polish, Russian, Italian and Portuguese.


A grid of letters and a blank space in which you have to spell a word.
You’ll have to figure out which combination of letters makes a word that’s of the correct length.

With three levels the app is appropriate for beginners as well as advanced students.
WordUp! Offers Spanish, French, German and Italian.

To get the most out of these apps, join Mrclass! The best foreign language learning academy in Bhubaneswar that incorporates several full-fledged techniques to help you learn valuable grammar rules and other skills. With structured or formal learning materials and a well-rounded learning experience that fuses conventional study with fun practice. You get the best of both worlds!


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