Sometimes You Just Don’t Have the Right Word? Now You Do!

Foreign Language Learning

There are times when you stammer and gesticulate but can’t come up with the right word to express your thoughts and ideas. And unfortunately not all the words you might be looking for exist in your native language. Now you search for the word in the multiple languages you speak in (if you’re a polyglot) but always doing that becomes a polyglot problem. True? Fret not! MrClass has figured out an easy and fun solution for this: just use an untranslatable word from any foreign language! Why?     
Untranslatable words offer vivid descriptions for things you wouldn’t otherwise be able to explain easily as they capture essential meanings that words in other languages do not. Additionally, untranslatable enhance your vocabulary. So here are the 5 untranslatable words you should know to describe the complexities of life- 

1. Schadenfreude
Say it as SHAH:dən:froy:də
Language: German
Meaning: Pleasure derived from someone’s misfortune.

2. Mokita
Language: Kilivila
Say it as it is.
Meaning: Something everyone knows but do not discuss.

3. Mamihlapinatapei
Language: Yagán/Yaghan
Say it as Ma-meh-la-pin-a-ta-pay
Meaning: Named as the “most succinct” word by the Guinness Book of World Records. It refers to an expressive exchange of glances when two people share the same thought.

4. 侘寂 (Wabi-sabi)
Language: Japanese
Say it as it is.
Meaning: Beautiful imperfection.

5. Tartle
Language: Scottish
Say it as it is.
Meaning: The hesitation when you’re about to introduce someone but realize you’ve forgotten his or her name.

Aren’t these untranslatable words descriptive, entertaining and absolutely cool? Want to learn more? Join MrClass. The best institute for spoken English and Foreign language learning in Bhubaneswar. So the next time you can’t figure out the right word to communicate your thought or idea, do not hesitate to throw in an untranslatable word!


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