Foreign Language Learning Tip #6: Use Your Emotions in Learning

Yes, you heard that right! Many a times you may have heard otherwise but today, Mr. Class Bhubaneswar is telling you why putting your emotions in learning actually helps you to learn better!

Have you ever had an embarrassing situation in your childhood, when you were 5, 10 or 15 years old? Chances are you still remember it without a spec, right? According to Joshua Foyer author of ‘Moonwalking With Einstein’, “Who We Are and What We Do is Fundamentally a function of What We Remember”. With the development in technology we’re using the lowest possible memory for regular things, be it remembering someone’s number or remembering the address.

Studies have shown repeatedly that when we attach emotions with the process of learning, it becomes more substantial to our system according to the psychological phenomenon known as depth of processing. How does it work, you ask? Well, according to the reports, there were two groups of students. While one group was said to remember a set of words for a test later along with taking a mental note for the presence of the letter ‘E’ in the words, the other group was said not to memorize anything at all. And the results were really fascinating, as it showed that even if the students knew of the upcoming test, some students failed while some passed. So the only thing that’s differentiating between the winners and the failed is the motivation. And for the letter ‘E’ recalling was concerned, the group told about taking a mental note was able to remember the presence in few words. But the other group recalled most of the words, when asked according to the pleasantness of reading those words.

So, that’s it! Once you start putting yourself into learning physically, mentally and emotionally, things get better with time. We at Mr. Class Foreign Language Learning Institute in Bhubaneswar, strive to make every moment count, for your days to come. 


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