Spanish Shortcuts For Travellers!

You’ve booked your ticket.

Your bags are packed.

You can’t wait to start your journey to a Spanish-speaking country.

Now there’s a very simple thing you can do that can have a BIG impact on your trip.

Learn some Spanish!

Your trip will be so much more fun and meaningful if you can communicate with locals.

Now, the most common survival Spanish travel phrases that will set you up to get your point across. For better knowledge you could always join language learning classes in Bhubaneswar.


Spanish-talking nations are exceptionally affable social orders and you should dependably be affable and say "hi" and "how are you?". What's more, don't stress over committing errors. They will attempt their most extreme to comprehend you and to ensure you comprehend them. Simply attempt your best and they will be so content with your exertion.

Hello – Buenos días (bwaynosdee ahs)

Good evening – Buenastardes (bwaynahs tar days)

Goodbye – Buenasnoches (bwaynahsnohchayss)

Hola (gracious lah) is "hello" and you can state that with individuals you know.

Fundamental vocabulary

You can run far with some simple to-recollect words and expressions. You can simply utilize "I need," "I like," "Do you have… ?" and on the off chance that you don't have the foggiest idea about the thing, you can just point at the protest.

I need, I don't need – Yoquiero, yo no quiero (yohkeeayr goodness, yohnohkeeayr gracious)

I might want (more neighborly) – Me gustaría (may goo stahree ah)

Where is – ¿Dóndeestá? (dohn des tah)

What amount does it cost – ¿Cuánto cuesta? (cwahntohcwaystah)?

What time is it? – ¿Quéhoraes? (kayorahess)?

Do you have? – ¿Tiene? (teeayn ay)?

I have, I don't have – Yotengo, yo no tengo (yohtayngoh, yohnohtayngoh)

I comprehend, I don't comprehend – Yoentiendo, yo no entiendo (yohayn tee ayndoh, yohnohayn tee ayndoh)

Do you get it? – ¿Entiende? (ayn tee ayn day)?

So, now you know the shortcuts to a better travel, after you come bak you know you definitely want to learn Spanish. So, Mr. Class is here to help you out. It’s the best institute for learning Spanish in Bbsr.


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